Program manager

We used to speak about industrial revolutions that could completely reshuffle entire industries. These days we talk about transitions. This doesn’t imply they have less impact, we just thought of a new word. The current transitions in the fields of energy, mobility and data are going to have a similar impact as its predecessors and are both an opportunity and a threat for the organisations that are in the middle of it. Gijs is the program manager that helps you translate these holistic changes into concrete actions.


The energy transition contains many aspects, but comes down to renewable replacing fossil fuelled. We move away from centralised coal- and gas plants towards decentralised wind turbines and solar panels. This results into: 

  • Consumers become producers.
  • Smart energy systems are necessary.
  • Flexibility and storage are the key to success. 
  • New players enter the market, sometimes unaware.
bureau GIJS has the experience required to separate main from side issues, understand the dynamics of the energy transition and translate the (often holistic) world views to concrete actions.


When discussing the mobility transition, the focus is often on electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles. However, more is going on:

  • Passive mobility to active mobility.
  • Streets as places to be.
  • Mobility instead of infrastructure.

Streets are no longer considered tubes where you want to get through as fast as possible. It is a place where you want to be. Therefore the amount of motorised vehicles will be reduced and walking and cycling will take a central spot. Parking spots that (in summer) are turned into recreation and the city is no longer designed around car usage. That means we need to imagine beyond asphalt and tracks. The focus is on mobility and how we can move them in the right way.


Obviously, there is going to be a moment where both the energy and mobility transition are combined. This is where CASE comes in:

  • Connected
  • Autonomous
  • Shared
  • Electric

To start with the last one: All sorts of modalities will become electric. Electric bicycles are becoming the new norm which means that distances between 7 and 15 km can easily be covered. Busses will transition in a matter of years to electric (and sometimes hydrogen) and apart from that there will be cars, trucks, boats, building equipment, etc. that will make the move. This means that that mobility will heavily impact the electricity grid, but can also be used for its flexibility to balance the energy system.

Technological developments also mean that everything is connected, more tasks can be executed autonomous and ownership is being replaced by usage. The robo-taxi will take its spot. This provides us with a huge opportunity, but simultaneously an even bigger threat. bureau GIJS helps organisations to work towards using the opportunities and avoiding the threats.